Proven Performance
for Your Acres

The Pioneer® brand products we’ve carefully selected for our lineup have undergone the industry’s most rigorous testing programs, helping to ensure outstanding performance in the growing conditions found in southern Pennsylvania.

Premium Seed Varieties

Explore our lineup of Pioneer brand corn hybrids, soybean varieties, and other products that have been proven in acres just like yours.



Pioneer delivers the highest yield potential sorghum products with leading agronomics and defensive characteristics.

Inset LYSNE 470 Edit R3 RT
Inset 20191222 COR Stock Corn 0019
Inset 20190926 COR Crop Protection Soybean 0107
Inset 121316 Pioneer Alfalfa AM Library1 1382

Ready To Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Let’s start talking about how we can help you get the most out of your acres.

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